Civitan Monrovia and their Ebola Prevention/Relief Efforts in Liberia
Information about Civitan Monrovia Civitan Monrovia, chartered in 2011, has approximately 40-50 members. However, over 300 individuals...
Fall NCDE District-Wide Meeting Announcement
Fall NCDE District-Wide Meeting Announcement Our 2014 Fall NCDE District-Wide meeting will be held on Saturday, November 15 at the Garner...
We Can Civitan Club
Tryon Civitan is sponsoring a new Civitan Club, We Can Civitan Club. The first informational meeting was held at the Monarch Health...
2014 Peanut Butter Drive
Happy October! We're collecting peanut butter & jelly for the month of October so "stick it to us"! Help us fill the Food Pantry at...
2013-2014 Awards Banquet
On Tuesday, September 23, 2014 Tryon Civitan held their annual end-of-year banquet at the Flame Catering and Banquet Center. Andy...
Successful Diaper Drive
Thanks! Thanks! And Thanks Again! We collected 30,451 diapers for our No Child Wet Behind Project. All the adult diapers went to...
2014 NCDE Annual Convention
Hilton Midtown, Raleigh, NC September 5th & 6th Tryon members, Stephanie Crosby, Amy Still, Kathi Whitfield, Leigh Wilkinson, Pierre...
Diaper Story
Check out the Diaper story that was aired on WCTI 12 News!!! Diaper Story #diaper #2014
2014 Neuse River Bridge Run
The Neuse River Bridge Run is held in 300-year-old historic downtown New Bern, offering magnificent views of the Neuse and Trent Rivers....
No Child Wet Behind
Our August collection drive is a new one for Tryon Civitan Club – we'll be collecting diapers (both for babies and senior adults) for...