No Child Wet Behind
Our August collection drive is a new one for Tryon Civitan Club – we'll be collecting diapers (both for babies and senior adults) for donation to RCS and Coastal Women's Shelter. CWS uses about 25-30 boxes per month. WIC and food stamps do not cover diapers so this is a big expense to many who are struggling financially. Keep an eye out for coupons, sales, and specials and let your fellow Tryon Civitan Club members know when you see a good deal. It's only July, but go ahead and pick up a box of diapers when you have a coupon or see a good deal. Generic brands are fine. We're also inviting the community to participate in this drive so please share it with your church, work, neighborhood, other clubs, etc. so we can make this first diaper drive a successful one. If you want to put a collection bin at your work place, contact Mack Paul, our Service Projects Chair, at 637-7500 or